
A post for a toast to my papa (& also the love of my life)

I haven't really known what to post on here lately, mainly because there has been so much going around me that it almost seems hard to draw even any sort of inspiration. I didn't know (which seems to be the running tag-line of this blog) but it hit me that I do know what I wanted to write about. The one person who I have stemmed so much inspiration from and the one person who has showed such immaculate strength this past eleven months that you almost have to stand back in awe of it, and in hope that someday you will be able to show even half as much strength.

My dad, my knight, the love of my life; the man that created the ridiculous stubborn attitude that embodies me, the man who passed along to me the serious case of bed head. The man that has already lit up every room he walked into by his distinct humor and loud voice, and the man that every single person seems to fall in love with the second they even say hello. I have countless amount of friends that have the biggest love for my dad after having met him only a few times, and that should say something. Even ones that state "I want to be just like your dad when I'm older" as they watched him play video games and discuss endless amounts of pop culture (as well as make sarcastic--yet hilarious & very "Monty"--remarks towards me).

There is something about him that is infectious, and has made everybody want to talk to him or be around him. Sure, at young ages maybe some of my friends were a bit terrified of him but that was only due to his booming voice that echoed down the hall of our house. After that however, it took a very small amount of time for them to realize how much the adored him. It seems to be an effect my parents have on others: everybody always loves them. I'm never surprised at the influx of love sent to my parents, because I know how entirely wonderful they are, and how they have never faltered in their love towards their family and friends, and that everybody around them sees this. I do not think you'll ever be able to find any other two people so full of compassion, humor, love, and joy.

I don't want to make this a sad post, because I've heard far too many sad things. I want to make this about the happiness my dad has brought to so many people, and everything that makes him so special to us. I cannot name one person that doesn't like my dad, I actually think it may be impossible to even feel such an emotion towards him!

This past year has been the hardest, but its pulled us together for some wonderful things. A trip to Twain Harte in the summer that brought us together as a family and with some of our closest friends, and a wedding! Oh we must never forget Hannah's wedding where dad was compared to a young Bill Murray after giving a speech so natural you would be surprised he wasn't a comedian (he's a comedian alright, I deal with the running commentary all the time and its hilarious).

There are endless adjectives I could use to describe the man that raised me to the woman I am today, and I wouldn't even know where too start. I am thankful everyday for him, everyday because he has always pushed me to excel, to follow my dreams, to stand up for what I felt is right in this world. Having three daughters, he instilled woman power among us because in a world like today, we have to learn to fight for what we believe in. He has always wanted us to succeed, always wanted us to be strong women. He's never made us feel any less than a superhero really, and that could be because we grew up around everything DC and Marvel, and really we grew up as him as our own superhero. Batman does not compare to him, that's for damn sure, and someday I hope to be a superhero of my own and for him to watch with pride in his face.

People always ask me the same age old question of "what do you want to do for a job" and since I was six I've had the same answer--I want to be an actress. No matter how much I love fashion, there will always be a draw I have towards acting that was given to me from my dad. I can name endless amounts of actors and directors, I fawn over beautiful cinematography, and I can pull quotes out of thin air from films I saw ages ago. I've always wanted to be an actor, be able to spread meaning through what I perform in and be able to use the art to show awareness of situations as well. I've gotten this all from my dad, and more than ever I want to be an actress because my dad always wanted to be an actor. I always imagined us as a daddy-daughter acting duo too: taking on roles together. And I always think of the film Paper Moon when I think of it, because I've watched that film with him so many times. I've always thought of that film really. I just want to be the actor that he never got the chance to be because he got married, settled down, looked after me and my sisters and our mum. He's the best dad in the world, the absolute best and I want to accept an Oscar on his behalf someday. I want to make him proud because I was able to do exactly what I always told him I would do. I want to walk down the carpet with him on my arm and proclaim to everybody how this is my dad and how much he inspired me to act, how much he inspired my love of film and cinematography.

My dad has touched so many lives, and I thank God everyday for placing him on this planet and for letting him do so. I can talk to anybody, and they always have a story about him that they vividly remember because of the impact he made on them. Whether its humor, strength, compassion...there's a story for all of them. He's a man after my own heart, a man after everybody's own heart really. Truly a special man, and really the only man that I will ever give my whole heart too. He's an inspiration in every single way, with a brain that could retain any information. I'm sure his IQ is off the charts actually, now that I think of it. God I could talk about this man all day, there's nobody more wonderful than him, really and truly. Stronger and more charismatic than anybody on this earth: a real blessing.

I love you Papa, always & forever, to Tatooine and into the stars. My real love.