
25 cents gets you a cute plastic ring

I've discovered that while working at Forever 21 has its perks, it has also changed my wardrobe entirely to nearly everything Forever 21 Besides the occasional t-shirt that I order on a whim after becoming addicted to a certain movie, book, or television show (I promise you, I have more over sized t-shirts with actors faces on them than I can count). Fortunately for myself having a cornucopia of clothing by Forever, it allows my bank account to breathe and if any of you reading this are interesting in my outfits, you can buy pieces of them for cheap amounts. The one thing I do splurge on though is boots, but who wants to walk around in twenty dollar boots that form blisters on the balls of your feet? Not me! These boots are my mum's though (oops, I steal a lot of her clothes), and possibly my favorite pair of boots to wear. Not only are they comfortable, but they're so warm and très chic!

If there are two things that I can promise you I will never stop loving, it is plaid and rings. Plaid skirts, plaid shirts, plaid flannels, plaid socks, plaid headbands, (maybe not plaid pants), & plaid shorts! Shoot, I might even wear plaid shoes if I was feeling a little risky and wanted to play up an outfit. There's something about it that draws me in, and I can never seem to stop myself from piling everything plaid into my shopping bag and suddenly realizing how I cannot match plaid with plaid (please, I may love it but I'm not about to commit a fashion faux pas)! As for rings, I feel like they're never going to go out of style. Even though they turn each and every finger of mine a dark green, I'll still put them on the next day (bring on the green hand)! If you go into a pizza place with me I can assure you that right off the bat I will rummage through my purse to find a quarter. I will find my way into the room containing laser noises and kids screams, kneel down and stick the quarter into the metal slot of an ancient machine, turn the knob, and then uncap the plastic bubble that fell into my hand...only to reveal the ring with a metallic sheen and a plastic jewel which you will immediately find on one of my ten fingers. One of the rings I wore today I won in this exact manner at the beginning of summer.

That was probably way too much description for the measly moment of obtaining a 25 cent ring, but I am very passionate about those plastic jewlery products--I promise! I wore my plastic peace sign choker-type-necklace (which I bought for 25 cents at the exact same pizza place as the ring) for three and a half months until I had to cut it off because it looked tacky when I wore my bridal shower outfit.

I guess essentially this blog post is to assure you that I am very cheap when it comes to my clothing choices, and everything I wear you could afford as well. That is, until I save up and buy my dream Burberry purse or leather jacket (keep dreaming Liv).

Thin, gray shirt - Forever 21
Plaid skirt - Forever 21
Brown knee high boots - Franco Sarto
Red headband - Forever 21
Necklace, gold rings, & silver rings - All Forever 21
Fox ring - Given to me as a gift from my lovely pal Mady
Plastic silver ring w/ pink jewel - Pizza Place in Twain Harte :-)


Pretty foods & a fancy party

Sometimes it takes over a week to actually blog about something (oops), and that is where this post is coming from! I felt it necessary to show pictures from my sister, Hannah's, bridal shower on the 6th of September. This was truly beautiful, and to be the one to plan it all out was both stressful but such an honor. Of course, I would not be able to do this without the help of so many people (My mum, sister, aunt, nan, Sessa, Katie, and probably so many others I'm missing--eep sorry)!

I keep looking back at the photos and it baffles me with how wonderful it all turned out, and how magical it was for my sister. It brightens me day remembering it all, and makes me excited for the beautiful wedding on the 17th of October. Can it get here already?

I think it is time to share my favorite photos from the day, so take a peak and enjoy!


I don't always wear Minnie ears, but when I do...

it's because I'm celebrating my first blog post!

(Just kidding I always wear them)!

I guess that started my blog on the right note, yeah? Life is so much better with a little Disney in it! That is beside the point of this post however, because after years of contemplating and years of telling myself 'Olivia, start that blog now,' and even more years of my mum telling me to document my outfits...I decided to begin a journey where I let the world (err well...those who actually tune in and read this blog of mine) into my psychotic mind and share with you everything I capture through the lens of my closest associate (my Canon EOS Rebel T3).

OH! & of course share the outfits that I become inspired to create when I am not sitting in front of my laptop with my hair in my signature "Lulu Bun" (© my mumzi) and one of the many t-shirts I own with sprawled out sayings across them (e.g. "If you don't like Taco Bell, I don't like you").

So let me say cheers to the beginning of an adventure into my antsy mind where I get to let my fingers dance gracefully (and sometimes not-so-gracefully) across my keyboard in hopes that real words will follow. I hope that whoever is reading this will continue to follow me through my posts and pictures, & if not...well then this wouldn't be the first time I've been caught talking to myself (-;

Oh & here is what I wore yesterday in the simplest of forms I could find without a tripod (which is in the mail and due to be delivered on Tuesday. How have I survived without one? Mirror pictures)!

"Ain't Laurent without Yves" T-shirt - Etsy.com
Necklace - Forever 21
Pink skinny jeans - H&M
Messy room & messy hair - courtesy of a lazy girl!